Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

Mr and Mrs Bin Laden

February 6, 2008

This is a great story and nice to see there are people who are trying to stand out and make a difference. Peace and Love to all~Peilo

 Rockers in Rome hoping for peace and a meeting with the Pope.

Wearing matching leather jackets and jeans, and with dark hair flowing over their shoulders, they stroll hand-in-hand through Rome.

No, not a couple of ageing rockers. This is Osama bin Laden’s son and his British wife on their self-proclaimed mission to promote world peace.
Omar Bin Laden
read more | digg story

Roseanne debates candidates, slams Oprah – Tabloid Tidbits-

January 14, 2008

Roseanne debates candidates, slams Oprah – Tabloid Tidbits-

roseanne barr



Roseanne recently slammed Oprah for endorsing Obama, calling her a “closeted republican” [sic].




Comedian and opinionated blogger Roseanne debates the merits of various presidential hopefuls in a series of posts on her Web site. Though it’s still not clear whom she’s backing in the primaries, one thing’s for sure: She’s not happy about Oprah Winfrey’s endorsement of Barack Obama.

In fact, the former TV mom delivers a harsher tongue-lashing to the Queen of Talk than any of the candidates. “Oprah has given us Swartzenegger [sic] and Dr. Phil,” Roseanne rants. “If that was not offensive enough to decent thinking people, now she brings us Obama.”

Addressing Oprah directly, Roseanne adds, “You are a closeted republican and chose Barak [sic] Obama because you do not like other women who actually stand for something to working American Women besides glamour, angels, Hollywood and dieting!”    

Wednesday night, Roseanne seemed to throw her support behind Hillary Clinton, stating, “I have decided that having a woman president before any man of any color is what these times call for.” But by Thursday morning she assured she “liked Obama, too.”

Costume flap imperils immigration post –

November 18, 2007

Costume flap imperils immigration post –


WASHINGTON — Just when it appeared Julie Myers had cleared every hurdle in her quest to officially become the nation’s top immigration official, a dreadlocked wig and a prisoner’s outfit could cost her the job.

Myers, director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ran into trouble earlier this month after she and two other agency managers gave the “most original” costume award to a white employee who came to the agency’s Halloween party dressed as an escaped prisoner with dreadlocks and darkened skin.

The incident drew complaints of racial insensitivity and an apology from Myers. It also cast doubt on whether she’ll get a confirmation vote before the end of the year, when her original appointment expires.
