Posts Tagged ‘absente’

Lucid Absinthe Supérieure: Genuine absinthe available in US

January 16, 2008

Absinthe: The American Remix – New York Times


My Review~ Well I tried Absente over the New Years, and well I’m not the biggest connoisseur of liquors, I can tell you this. It was pretty good stuff. It had this very unique color and had this strange lingering aftertaste that was quite pleasant. It was a fairly refined drink with a smooth draw, tastes like candy when mixed with just sugar water 🙂

Like black licorice, and then it had this weired sensation like you were drinking the devils brew. You could actually feel it on your tongue. It was probably just psychological, and based on me knowing it’s long and colorful history, so I don’t doubt it.

Priced at around $40 for a 1/5 it isn’t the cheapest stuff on the shelf, nor the most expensive. “But it is good stuff” ~Peilo

 I had worked mass amounts of hours over the holidays, and went from being on days to working midnights. I worked 84 hours X-mas week, which I had never worked that many hours in a single week before (it sucked) I couldn’t get back to a normal schedule for the life of me.  I was already out of my element when I started drinking the stuff for sure but still.     🙂 lucid

I would love to tell you it produced real hallucinations, but it didn’t. It did however exponentially enhance the music I zoned out to before bed ~ My Last Mix of 07′. Speaking of mix,  I mixed my absinthe with Redbull and sugar water. ~ But anyways back to the real story, not my review—>

In praise of the opaque green liqueur beloved by his creative contemporaries, Oscar Wilde once posed the rhetorical question, “What difference is there between a glass of absinthe and a sunset?”

The prosaic answer, at least for Americans, has long been one of legality: sunsets can be freely enjoyed, but absinthe was forbidden because it contained thujone, a potentially toxic compound.

Intrepid drinkers have worked around the ban by ordering imported bottles off the Internet or smuggling them back from Eastern Europe. Now they have a third, less dodgy option: Lucid, which is being marketed as the first legal, genuine American absinthe in nearly a century.

Lucid Absinthe Supérieure: Genuine absinthe available in US~

Absinthe, What is Absinthe? About its Science, Chemistry and Structure
Prohibition is finally over!

Introducing lucid, Absinthe Supérieure. lucid represents a breakthrough product for the U.S. market, as it is the first true, Grande Wormwood-based Absinthe of its type since before prohibition. Unlike imitators in the U.S. and many of the so-called “Absinthe” products that litter the international markets, lucid is crafted directly from select whole herbs, including Grande Wormwood, and never from cheaper assemblages, macerations, extracts or oils. ABSINTHE INFO